Test Method Of Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate

Publish Time: 2017-03-30     Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD

Weigh out 1g of ferrous sulphate heptahydrate and dissolve into 300ml conical flask, with 50 ml distilled water. Add 10ml of sulfuric acid and 4ml phosphoric acid. Use potassium permanganate to titration, till the solution become pink with the color 30 seconds does not disappear.



Use the mass percent to express the content of Fe SO4.7HO (X1).


   FeSO4.7H2O( X1) =   V·c*0.2780  ×100=  27.80cV 

                             M                M       


V= The volume of potassium permanganate solution consumed in the test. (mL)

c= The concentration of potassium permanganate. (mol/L)

0.2780= 1.00ml potassium permanganate{c(1/5KMnO4) =1.000mol/L} (g)

M= The sample of value. (g)


The difference between the two test results should not more than 0.4%. The test result can take the average of the determination.


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